The Comeback is an ongoing live program happening right now! Upon purchase, you’ll be able to get started on your own comeback within minutes. This is a self-paced program that you can start and stop anytime.
First, you’ll receive by email the comprehensive 60 page handbook that includes all of your workouts, the Nutrition Plan, and access to the video tutorials for home or gym workouts. The handbook can be downloaded and printed or saved to your device. Everything you need is inside of The Comeback Handbook!
You’ll also be invited into the ultra exclusive Facebook group. This is the hub for our daily check-ins, weekly updates, and live video broadcasts. You can make new friends, find accountability partners, and ask questions. Soon it will be the highlight of your day as you check in for inspiration and community!
Consider The Comeback your virtual body transformation club! You’ll get my proven system for advanced health and fitness, a community of awesome women, and direct access to me as your coach.
It’s time for you to start your comeback!