A customized cardio program designed specifically for you by Holly to help you achieve the body that you know you’re capable of!
Holly often says that many people are “cardio-ing themselves to death” by spending too much time doing mindless cardio sessions. The truth, if you aren’t doing the right kind of cardio for your goals at the right intensity, you are pretty much wasting your precious energy.
Cardio is a very catabolic activity. When misused, it causes your body to break down the very muscle tissue that you need to maintain your metabolism and optimal hormone levels, and to fight body fat. Proper cardio workouts are still a great way to lower body fat during specific training cycles.
There are 5 reasons to do weekly cardio workouts:
1. For cardiovascular health i.e. “heart health”
2. For endurance sport training
3. For cardiovascular fitness
4. For body re-composition (fat loss)
5. For basic well being
This 90 Day Cardio Plan will help you to reach your very specific cardiovascular goals. Training for a marathon? Recovering from CrossFit workouts? Protecting your heart health? Or, are you like most folks who just want to drop a few pounds of body fat?
Holly will give you a fully customized Cardio Plan that is based on your current physiology and designed to get you to your goals faster. After completing a questionnaire about your goals, you will receive a downloadable training plan that includes 3 months of periodized cardio workouts.
Your fully customized plan will tell you:
1. Your highly specific target heart rate range for each activity
2. The length of time for each workout
3. The modes of exercise that are ideal for your goals
Holly limits the number of 90 Day Cardio Plans sold each month. This ensures that you will receive truly personalized attention and a truly strategic program built for you. It’s the next best thing to working with Holly in person!
Yesterday you said that you would start tomorrow. Tomorrow is here! It’s your turn to achieve your goals.
This plan can be purchased on its own, or used in conjunction with the 90 Day Eating Plan and the 90 Day Strength Training Plan.
Holly uses a highly scientific calculation to determine your target heart rate training ranges for your activities. Because no two people are like, and therefore no two hearts beat the same, your 90 Day Cardio Plan may need some refinements. This plan includes one email check-in with Holly after the first four weeks of using your customized plan. This will allow Holly to assess your progress and makes changes to your program if needed.