Summer is HERE!

Are you feeling good about wearing a bathing suit or shorts?

Because if you don’t feel quite ready, you’ve still got time.

And just in time, I’ve got a great workout to get your legs and booty feeling extra good and looking fantastic!

I’ve also got some nutrition challenges for you to accelerate your workout efforts.

Click below to see this week’s video for more tips on getting ready for summer, and to see my Bikini Ready Booty Workout (it’s free!).

Bikini Ready Booty Workout!


  1. Complete the five exercises shown in the videos below in a row with no rest between each exercise.
  2. Rest 1 minute after all five exercises.
  3. Repeat the circuit of 5 exercises 1-3 more times.
  4. Complete 12 repetitions for each exercise set.

Holly started Women’s Strength Nation to improve the ratio of women to men strength training around the world. You can Join the Movement by sharing your thoughts and questions below. Your thoughts and ideas may help another woman’s journey. Please join the conversation and leave a comment below!

Stay strong, friend.

Want to hear even more on this topic?

Be sure to check out “LIVE with Holly” HERE!