Why Your Glutes Are The Solution to Your Goals

An object in motion tends to stay in motion…unless exerted upon it an equal and opposing force.

Were you in motion before the holidays? Did the opposing force of holiday season get the best of you? If so, NO worries! It’s life, it cycles and there ya go! The key is to put your foot down and say “enough!” One of my favorite quotes ever is,

Yesterday you said “tomorrow.”

Oh, SO good, right!?

It’s time to put your foot down and get the New Year moving.

One of the best ways to get your momentum back is by making a commitment to achieve some kind of goal. Maybe I see a half marathon coming for you in Spring? Maybe you bought a new fitness DVD program? Right now, whip out a pen and paper and write down a goal that you really want to achieve…and get it started.

Tweetable: “Yesterday you said tomorrow. Tomorrow is here.”

If you are fumbling to find your game plan for January, consider some of these ideas for fitness:

  • YogaGlow is an online yoga studio with incredible yoga classes. It’s monthly fee, but is very reasonable given the quality of instructors there. Some of my all-time favorite instructors have classes on YogaGlow
  • Check out YouTube for follow-along, short form workout videos. There are some super fun 10 minute workouts that actually work
  • Put on your headphones and your favorite 5 songs in a playlist. Hit the floor and dance until all 5 songs are done. It’s a blast; trust me.

PS! I reserve exclusive content for the Women’s Strength Nation email update. If you want to receive more info that isn’t shared here on the blog, use the sign up form at the top right of this page to enter your first name and email address. Then stay tuned every other week for insights on becoming stronger inside and out.

Women’s Strength Nation is committed to improving the ratio of women to men strength training around the world. You can Join the Movement by sharing your thoughts and questions below. Your thoughts and ideas may help another woman’s journey. Please join the conversation and leave a comment below!

And lastly,

Today’s #Strengthspo

You are stronger than the resistance that lives in your head. It’s time to start talking back.”

Stay strong, friend. 

9 replies
  1. Carrie
    Carrie says:

    Hi Holly! I’m considering joining your glutes project….and… I have a few concerns that I’m hoping you can address. I’m 58 and am carrying about 20 extra pounds. I work with a trainer (small group, love this) but I hate walking lunges. I don’t know if it’s my hip replacement, poor balance, or fear of the following day’s discomfort…but I sincerely detest them. I realize they are probably the best butt tightening exercise going, but I don’t think I could do a 12 week program based on them. Is your class suitable for me? Thanks, Carrie

    • Holly Perkins
      Holly Perkins says:

      Hi Carrie: This is a fantastic question, and one that I answer quite a bit with my private clients. In general, any move that you “HATE” is the very move that you need the most. When your body reacts strongly it is usually a sign that the move is challenging and taxing in a big and powerful way. Now, please read closely: that statement assumes that you have no immediate trauma, no acute injury, etc. And, this isn’t a hard and fast rule. I can say that in 20 years of working with people, 90% of the time my “explanation” is spot on. For me, it used to be squats. Oh, I HATED them SO much. Many years later I discovered that they were to the solution to my knee and hip troubles, and the best way to keep my glutes super strong and functional. So, I encourage you to gently explore walking lunges, slowly over time. It sounds like you are in great shape, and 20 pounds isn’t a problem. As long as you don’t have major pain after doing lunges, I vote go for it. All of this being said, The GLUTES Project does incorporate walking lunges, but the program is not built around them. You could I believe there are at most 3 sets per workout for two of the three months. If you choose to do the Project with us let me know. We can check in and see how the program is going for you, and if necessary, we’ll make adjustments to your program. I’m happy to keep an eye on you during the 12 weeks if you’d like. Way to go, and I love to hear that you’re going strong! H

      • Carrie
        Carrie says:

        Dear Holly,
        It was so kind of you to respond to my query. You were spot on reading between the lines. I do not hurt after doing the lunges, I can complete them, but they truly get the better of me? These extra 20 pounds are really killing me though, and I’m going to give the glutes workout serious consideration. Please keep up the good work, you are a breath of fresh air in the fitness industry. Thanks again, Carrie

        • Grace
          Grace says:

          Carrie, I don’t mean to butt in here but I also hate the walking lunges. I did them last night and was like “dam, dam, dam”… with each step. 🙂 But this morning, I’m so happy I did them. I agree with you that Holly is a breath of fresh air. If you decide to do the glute workout, just remember there’s another 50+ person out here struggling to get through it with you.

  2. Grace
    Grace says:

    Thank you so much for the glutes project! I’m looking forward to it. One question I have is: if I am planning to begin the radical transformation program from your book “Lift to Get Lean” (which I love, by the way), where does the glute workout fit in? Do I just add these to the lower body day? Thanks again!


    • Holly Perkins
      Holly Perkins says:

      Hi Gracie! I have several women doing that very thing! It works out great actually. Here is what I have been recommending: Use The GLUTES Project programming for Day A and C workouts in place of the leg exercises. Continue everything else on Rad Transform program. It actually works out really well. SO fun, and so excited you are doing this with me! Keep me posted with other questions and be sure to follow along on Instagram and Facebook!

      • Grace
        Grace says:

        thanks for the reply. I actually tried to ADD them to the workout A last night but by the time I got to the Bar Squats, my legs were toast! 🙂

        I’m excited about this Rad Transformation and the glutes workout. Thank you so much!!!

  3. Adriana
    Adriana says:

    Hi Holly, I know this project was started in 2016. I started with you in 2016, and only lasted 3 weeks. I decided to jump start my workouts and will incorporate the Glutes Project in April 2017. YES, 2017. I hope to finish all 12 weeks this time. Thank you for your videos and encouragement.

    • Admin
      Admin says:

      Hello Adriana,

      Thank you so much for being a part of this awesome community. I KNOW you can totally stay on track this time with the Glutes Project and your regular workouts. Don’t be so hard on yourself from taking some time off. We are ALL on a roller coaster, with our ups and downs. So coming April, stick to your plan as best as you can. You can accomplish so much Adriana! Keep in touch and let us know how your journey comes along.

      In strength,


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