Entries by Holly Perkins

How Much Protein Do You Need?

I know you’re a smart Women’s Strength Nation follower and therefore you know that protein around your workout is like, really, smart. Protein is critical to stabilize blood sugar and fuel your workout. Protein after a workout helps to speed recovery. If you want to decrease body fat and increase your lean muscle mass, protein […]

3 Steps to Gorgeous Muscle for Women

updated October 7 After 20 years of coaching women I know – without a doubt – that women want to feel smaller, tighter and leaner. Achieving this has a lot to do with muscle. Lean muscle mass is your path to feeling strong being smaller looking more compact appearing more athletic feeling lean Helping women […]

What’s the Difference Between Home and Gym Workouts?

Is there really a difference between strength training workouts at home versus going to a gym? Yes! Can you get an effective strength workout at home? Yes! Will you be better served going to a gym if you can? Yes!  Check out this week’s video below to learn the in’s and out’s of your strength […]

5 Minutes Abs at Home

I am SO excited to announce that Women’s Strength Nation will be bringing you more follow-along exercise videos starting TODAY! Check out my brand new “5 Minute Abs at Home” workout video below. Now your Abs have NO excuses! Join me for this super easy, effective ab workout right now! I love this Ab workout […]

Have a Cocktail AND Be Healthy!

There is a celebration going on over here at the Women’s Strength Nation office! I want to formally introduce you to a member of my team who has been behind the scenes here for a while, and who just achieved something really impressive. Cindy De La Cruz is now stepping into the spotlight as a […]

10 Minutes to STRONG

As I always say: Tweetable: “ANYTHING is better than nothing when it comes to being active and fit” @WStrengthNation Yes, it’s possible to get an effective workout in just 10, 15 or 20 minutes. That’s exactly why some of the Women’s Strength Nation programming features workouts that are actually doable with a busy schedule. You […]

The Ultimate Pool Workout

Summer is SOOOOO close! Can you feel it!? This year take advantage of every pool opp you get. Want 3 reasons why? 30-minutes of sun exposure directly to skin is great for vitamin D and serotonin levels. This means more happy time! You now have The Ultimate Pool Workout so you have no excuses for […]

How to Add Muscle for Women

Wahooooooo!!! It is a day of celebration. Why? Because I am finally standing on a stage in front of an audience filled with women who are asking questions on what it takes to INCREASE THE SIZE OF THEIR MUSCLES!!! Now, the stage is only a daydream, but the audience of women is real! Each day […]